From the Vault...


DJ JeffD

© Records

Year of Release: 2002

track listing
  • Horizon
  • House Mix
  • Injection
    (Pro-House Mix)
  • Let's Get This
    Party Started
  • Nuclear
  • Scorched (D-House Mix)
  • Arisen (Jump-Up Mix)

  • WSVNRadio Archives
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    N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    DJ JeffD related sites:
    DJ JeffD Website

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    Previous Review: #958
    Blue Cheer--Vincebus Eruptum
    Next Review: #960
    Masters Of Classical Music--Volume 4: Johann Strauss
    DJ JeffD

    Another artist from The WSVNRadio Hall of Fame -- DJ JeffD was one of the 20 artists for this volume, as his music is categorized as Eletronic. For the most part, the album is a pulsing rhythm track, which at times can get annoying at times.

    "Horizon" was featured on the Hall of Fame Volume 2 CD, as it is probably the best track from this release. Injection (Pro-House Mix)" has the similar rhythms to "Horizon" and is almost identical. Likewise, "Let's Get This Party Started" has the same rhythms, yet its electronica effects are different. "House Mix" has the pulsing rhythms also, but does get annoying. "Nuclear" is more experimental, yet the pulsing rhythms return. "Scorched (D-House Mix)" is listenable, not as pulsing, believe it or not. "Arisen (Jump-Up Mix)" has a more funky rhythm.

    B-Sides by DJ JeffD is an experimental album, yet its pulsing beats and rhythms sound the same on most songs, and does get tiring. The last few songs have their moments, but they also get worn. It seems there should be more of the non-pulsing rhythm songs to even out the score. Again, being experimental in music is promising, and songs from this album could be a bigger hit in the dance/trance clubs.

    © All rights reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without written permission. Cover art is the intellectual property of Records and is used for reference purposes only.

    Previous Review: #958
    Blue Cheer--Vincebus Eruptum
    Next Review: #960
    Masters Of Classical Music--Volume 4: Johann Strauss