From the Vault...


The JuJuBees
"Six Pack Of Pop"

© Superwhitey Music Records

Year of Release: 2000

track listing
  • Somebody Loves Me
  • Save It For A Rainy Day
  • Lightning Bug June
  • Feel (Roll The Wheel)
  • She's Abuzz
  • Can't Stand To See
    My Baby Dance
  • I'm So Happy

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    The JuJuBees Website

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    Previous Review: #1508
    Soundtrack--Leaving Las Vegas
    Next Review: #1510
    David Gilmour--David Gilmour
    The JuJuBees
    "Six Pack Of Pop"

    The JuJuBees were part of our WSVNRadio Hall of Fame, Volume 2, with their song, "Someody Loves You." This song was the also the winner for Volume 2, when we asked for votes for The Best Of The WSVNRadio Hall Of Fame. The band's drummer, Robert Broz would later become part of a country band, The Smokin' Gunz. Another member of this current band is another member of our Hall of Fame, Jim Banke. If you're from Illinois, and you are aware of any of the Smokin' Gunz performances in your area, they are definitely worth checking out.

    Back in 2000, Broz, along with Steve Laxton, Joe Brandstetter, and Keith Ruiz put together a band of outstanding Pop music. The JuJuBees defined the true meaning of Pop music, with their Pop style. If you're heard their song "Somebody Loves You," and really enjoyed it, then there is no doubt you will enjoy the seven tracks on Six Pack Of Pop (Six songs were originally on the album, the seventh track was a bonus.)

    The first three tracks are definitely Pop gems: "Somebody Loves You," "Save It For A Rainy Day," "Lightning Bug June." Although the next track begins on a harder Pop note, it still remains Pop, and easily fits the rest of the album. The Pop of the first three tracks returns with the next two songs: "She's Abuzz," "Can't Stand To See My Baby Dance." The bonus track, "I'm So Happy..." is acoustic; it's a short song, and has a slight resemblance to Bob Dylan.

    The JuJuBees were a Pop-defining band. Their Pop songs are easy to enjoy. I'm not sure if they released any material before or after Six Pack Of Pop, but reading Robert Broz's bio, it seemed the JuJuBees only had this particular album. Broz has also been in many bands, as his "resume" indicates. The JuJuBees' Six Pack Of Pop is very entertaining; a good breath of fresh air. And as the title of this album is, it IS definitely a six pack of pop.

    © All rights reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without written permission. Cover art is the intellectual property of Superwhitey Music Records and is used for reference purposes only.

    Previous Review: #1508
    Soundtrack--Leaving Las Vegas
    Next Review: #1510
    David Gilmour--David Gilmour