From the Vault...


Alkaline Trio
"Maybe I'll Catch Fire"

© Asian Man Records

Year of Release: 1999

track listing
  • Keep 'Em Coming
  • Madam Me
  • You've Got
    So Far To Go
  • Fuck You Aurora
  • Sleepyhead
  • Maybe I'll Catch Fire
  • Tuck Me In
  • She Took Him
    To The Lake
  • 5-3-10-4
  • Radio

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    Cheetah--Rock And Roll Women
    Next Review: #1911
    Kimberley Locke--Christmas
    Alkaline Trio
    "Maybe I'll Catch Fire"

    Alkaline Trio is a punk rock band from Chicago. Formed in 1996, the band has released ten albums. Their second album of their career, Maybe I'll Catch Fire (1999) gets the nod this week for review. For this album, the bandmembers of Alkaline Trio consisted of Matt Skiba (guitar, vocals), Dan Andriano (bass, vocals) and Glenn Porter (drums). Porter would leave the band after this album, and was replaced by Mike Felumlee. (Bass player Andriano had replaced Rob Doran previously.)

    "Keep 'Em Coming" starts off the album, and has a good Punk Rock sound. Likewise, "Madam Me," which has an almost sound as the early R.E.M.'s "It's The End Of The World As We Know It." "You've Got So Far To Go" slows down the pace a bit, and in a good way. It's another good track. "Fuck You Aurora" (pardon the language), is more of a Rock song than Punk. Again, it has a good sound. (Being from Chicago, my guess is the band doesn't like the town of Aurora, Illinois.) "Sleepyhead" returns to the Punk Rock, vocals and all. This song is somewhat good, however, there are other songs better than this one, thus far. The title track is also another Punk-driven tune, and it is a bit better than the previous track, "Sleepyhead."

    The Punk sound continues with "Tuck Me In," "She Took Him To The Lake" and "5-3-10-4," are they are all fast-paced, just as other tunes here. Slowing down the pace on "Radio," it surely fits after listening to the past three past-faced Punk tunes.

    Other reviews of Maybe I'll Catch Fire - Mike DaRonco of Allmusic: He liked the album, but less than the band's previous effort, 1998's Goddammit (their debut album). "Lyrically, Maybe I'll Catch Fire follows in the footsteps of Goddammit, while staying true to the elaborate but emotional tone of aggressive pop-punk. Not as essential as the Trio's previous efforts, but it would be difficult for any band to follow up album like Goddammit." Interesting... Goddammit will be reviewed later, and curious to what DaRonco says about both albums. We'll see if that stands true, when Goddammit gets reviewed here.

    Alkaline Trio's Maybe I'll Catch Fire" has good tunes, in all Punk rock form. It has the common Punk Rock sound, as heard from other Punk Rock groups, (Green Day comes to mind). The Maybe I'll Catch Fire has the Pop/Punk sound, rather than the "speed" sound (as heard in Punk or speed metal.) A good album in all, if the Pop/Punk sound you enjoy, Alkaline Trio's Maybe I'll Catch Fire will get repeated listening. Their latest album is scheduled to be released in 2024 - Blood, Hair, And Eyeballs, their 10th studio album overall. And yes, this album (and Goddammit) is from our "Goodwill Collection."

    © All rights reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without written permission. Cover art is the intellectual property of Asian Man Records and is used for reference purposes only.

    Previous Review: #1909
    Cheetah--Rock And Roll Women
    Next Review: #1911
    Kimberley Locke--Christmas