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"Spider-Man Music From And Inspired B"

© Columbia/Roadrunner/Island

November 03 - 09, 2024

Year of Release: 2002
  • "Theme From Spider Man"--
    Classic TV Theme Song
  • "Hero"--
    Chad Kroeger & Josey Scott
  • "What We're All About
    (Original Version)"--
    Sum 41
  • "Learn To Crawl"--
    Black Lab
  • "Somebody Else"--
  • "Bug Byes"--
    Alien Ant Farm
  • "Blind"--
  • "Bother"--
    Corey Taylor
  • "Shelter"--
  • "When It Started"--
    The Strokes
  • "Hate To Say I Told You So"--
    The Hives
  • "Invisible Man"--
    Theory Of A Dead Man
  • "Undercover"--
    My Nutmeg Phantasy
    (Morello Mix)
    Macy Gracy
  • "I-IV-V"--
  • "She Was My Girl"--
    Jerry Cantrell
  • "Main Titles"--
    Danny Elfman
  • "Farewell"--
    Danny Elfman
  • "Theme From Spider Man"--

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    Halloween, 2024 - How many of you dressed up as Spider-Man? Whether you did or not, Spider-Man has always been one of the best superheroes. I was patiently waiting for Spider-Man to appear on the big screen. This week, one of those movie's soundtracks gets the review. Spider-Man Musc From And Inspired By is the soundtrack from the 2002 film, Spider-Man. Tobey Maguire was the actor to play Spider-Man. He portrayed Spider-Man from 2002-2007 (trilogy), and returned in 2021. He is, in my opinion, the best actor to play the part.

    The soundtrack, features many of the most recent groups and artists at the time. On Billboard's Mainstream Rock Chart, Chad Kroeger (from Nickelback) and Josey Scott (from Saliva) their song from the soundtrack"Hero" reached the #1 spot on that chart. Also to mention, the TV theme is included, likewise covered by the well-known group Aerosmith.

    Leading off the soundtrack, is the classic TV theme song of Spider-Man. For those who watched it back then, it will bring back many memories of the TV show, and its well-known TV theme. Chad Kroeger & Josey Scott's "Hero" follows, with it's up-to-date (at the time) Alternative Rock sound. Whether you like Nickelback or not (which most prefer), or for Saliva (which I've never heard of), "Hero" is a decent track. Sum 41's "What We're All About (The Original Version) sounds like what Rap (if you want to call it that) and Rock combined would song like. Red Hot Chili Peppers? Kind of. Next. Black Lab's "Learnin' To Crawl" is another Alternative Rock track. Not bad. Pearl Jam'ish, musically. Bleu's "Somebody Else" is a VERY GOOD Alternative Rock track. Alien Ant Farm's "Big Bytes" (nice title - bug bites in computer terms, bytes. It's Alternative Rock, yet it has an Alternative meets Punk also. It's an ok track. Default's Blind" is another Pearl Jam (Alternative Rock) comparison. Corey Taylor's "Bother" is slow-paced, however, it does pass as another VERY GOOD Alternate Rock track.

    GreenWheel's "Shelter" is another VERY GOOD track, as it compares to another band, Matchbox Twenty. The Strokes' "When It Started" - is it Pop or Alternative. Maybe both, but it is more Pop than Alternative. It's a pretty good track, away from the loudness from the Alternative Rock tracks. The Hives' "Hate To Say I Told You So" is Alternative and also Punk. It's loud, and brash. Likewise, Theory Of A Dead Man's "Invisible Man" is another loud rocker. Pete Yorn has made some incredible music on his own, and with "Undercover," it keeps on being incredible. Another very good track for him. If Macy Gray joined Soundgarden, "MY Nutmeg Phantasy (Morello Mix)" could have been this result. More good Alternative Rock from Injected, "I-IV-V." Jerry Cantrell's "She Was My Girl" is certainly a very good rocking track! Danny Elfman has recorded music for other soundtracks, as he has two instrumentals for this soundtrack, "Main Titles" and "Farewell." They are instruentals, as they are both theatrical as they can get. "Main Titles" is a powerful theatrical track, as "Farewell" is soft (and has its increasing theatrical vibes towards the end), and is a great track as the ending credits appear for the movie. Aerosmith's take on the Spider-Man TV theme has Aerosmith rocking at their best, Alernative Rock style. (Aerosmith as a hard rock Alternative Rock band? It has a very different sound than how you're used to hearing them from their earlier years of their material.)

    Alternative (mostly Hard Rock) defines then soundtrack to Spider-Man Music From And Inspired From. The original TV theme is a great throwback, yet all the other tracks define Alternative Rock, the common Rock style heard in 2002. And, Danny Elfman's theatrical tracks is defined most definitely as good Soundtrack music, for opening and ending credits.

    If you're a fan of Alternative Rock, and you're familiar with most or all of the bands and artists contained on this soundtrack, this collection of tracks is a very good solid sounding album. There are good songs here, and very little of those to hit the next button. A good soundtrack, a great movie. Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man is the best one to watch, and good Alternative Rock to listen to, for this movie.

    © 2024 WSVNRadio.net. All rights reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without written permission. Cover art is the intellectual property of Columbia/Roadrunner/Island and is used for reference purposes only.

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